National Arbitration Award: Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals; M-39 (2015)

Handbooks and Manuals , Handbook M-39

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The issue in this National Level Arbitration was an alleged violation of Section 126.3 of the M-39 Handbook. The parties could not resolve the dispute in the grievance process, so the Union demanded arbitration. On March 10, 2014, the Postal Service decided that the grievance raised an interpretive issue within the meaning of Article 15. That eventually led to this national level arbitration.

Award Summary: Arbitrator Nolan ruled that Section 126.3 of Handbook M-39 does not “directly relate” to wages, hours, or working conditions and was therefore not incorporated into the Agreement by Article 19. For that reason, Section 126.3 does not create rights enforceable by bargaining unit employees through the grievance procedure, and the grievance was denied.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  Q11N4QC14032224

Arbitrator Name: Dennis Nolan

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , Handbook M-39

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