National Arbitration Award: Article 34; Work and/or Time Standards; Handbook MS-1 Revision (2017)

Time and/or Work Standards , Handbook MS-1 Revision

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There were two issues presented in this National Level Arbitration. (1.) Does the revisions to the MS-L Handbook and related MMOs satisfy the Article 19 test of being "fair, reasonable, and equitable"?; and (2.) Do those revisions violate Article 34?

Award Summary: Arbitrator Goldberg ruled that the Postal Service revision of the MS-1 Handbook did not violate Article 34. He also ruled that the revision did not violate Article 19 in providing increased discretion to local management to customize MS-1 preventative maintenance times and frequencies; and that it did not violate Article 19 in transferring building maintenance work in stations and branches from Building Maintenance to the Field Maintenance Organization. However, the issues of whether the revisions to the MS-1 dealing with (a) preventative maintenance time allowances and frequencies, and (b) space adjustments and miscellaneous work time allowances violated Article 19 were remanded to the parties. As part of that remand, the Postal Service was directed to provide the Union with all data and data analysis collected by the Review Team, relating to appropriate allowances for (a) preventative maintenance time and frequencies; (b) space adjustment and miscellaneous work. lf this exchange of information did not lead to an agreement, either party could request the Arbitrator to reopen the hearing.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  Q10T4QC14171644, Q10T4QC16481407

Craft:  Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Tags: Time and/or Work Standards , Handbook MS-1 Revision

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