National Award RI399--Sharnoff--AFCS

National RI399 Jurisdictional Award Advanced Facer Canceller System (AFCS)

RI399; Jurisdictional Dispute; AFCS

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The Arbitrator, for the reasons set forth in the above Opinion, denies the following claims: the claim by APWU that the USPS improperly made the craft determinations in favor of the Mail Handler Craft regarding the Operator positions on the AFCS Legacy machines as well as for the employees performing the loading and unloading of mail; the claim by the NPMHU that the USPS improperly made the craft determination in 2012 in favor of the Clerk Craft for the Operator on the AFCS 200 machines; the claim by the APWU that the USPS improperly continued in 2012 the assignment of the other positions on the AFCS 200 machines to perform loading and unloading functions, to the Mail Handler Craft.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

GATS Number:  Q94C4QJ97026616

Craft:  Clerk

Arbitrator Name: Joseph Sharnoff

Tags: RI399; Jurisdictional Dispute; AFCS

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