If a dispute arises, the local parties should use the Article 12 Q & A's in conjunction with the APWU/USPS Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM) to determine if the issue is addressed and resolve the dispute in accordance with the JCIM and the Q & A's. The Article l2 Q & A's lvill be updated with additional material as necessary. We encourage you to use the Article 12 Questions and Answers in conjunction with the JCIM to foster more professional working relationships. CBR Reprint Jan-Feb 2008.

Document Type:  Question & Answer

Tags: Questions and Answers , excessing , Article 12 , best qualified excessing , PTR excessing , FTR excessing , PTF excessing , light duty excessing , limited duty excessing , reasonable accommodation excessing , saved grade excessing , casuals excessing , supplemental excessing , attrition , excessing advance notice , information request excessing , regional coordinator excessing , withheld positions , residual positions , minimum qualifications , skill excessing , geographic area , excessing by level , volunteer in lieu of , involuntarily excessed , maximization and excessing , PTF withholding , excessed craft , excessing outside the installation , excessing outside the craft , excessing outside the section , relocation benefits , bidding restriction excessing

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