Q&A Application of MOU Re: In-Service Examinations, Register and Eligibility Ratings

Q&A Application of MOU Re: In-Service Examinations, Register and Eligibility Ratings

Promotion Eligibility Register , In-service registers , in-service exam

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1. Is the March annual service wide opportunity to test for Maintenance Craft eligibility ratings limited to once per year during the month of March?


2. Who is eligible to participate in the annual opportunity to test for Maintenance Craft eligibility ratings?

All career employees are eligible.

3. Can maintenance craft employees patticipate in the annual opportunity to test for Maintenance Craft eligibility ratings?

Yes, however Maintenance Craft employees can participate in the in-craft examination process throughout the year in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

4. If In-service registers do not exist, where are the exam results placed?

The HR MSS Coordinator is responsible for placing the results in the employee's eOPF.

5. What form must career employees complete when submitting a written request to participate in the March annual In-service opportunity?

Management shall provide an Employee Maintenance Position Selection (EMPS) form as found in the EL-304 to employees.

6. What occupational group can career employees request to receive eligibility ratings for?

All Maintenance Craft occupational groups (MSS and non-MSS) that require an examination, except National Service Technician ET-11.

7. Can non-Maintenance Craft, career employees that have already received eligibility ratings request to be tested again in subsequent years in an attempt to improve their scores?


8. What options are available for non-Maintenance employees who have failed the structured interview, but received an eligible rating on examination 955?

In subsequent years, the employee may (1) request to retake the examination for the structured interview only or (2) can request the opportunity to retake both examination 955 and the structured interview. If the employee retakes examination 955, the highest achieved score is used as the eligibility rating.

9. Can current Maintenance Craft employees that have received In-service eligibility ratings for occupational groups that are not in their facility, request to be tested again in subsequent years in an attempt to improve their scores?


10. What happens if an employee is a "no show" for the proctored exam or structured interview during the in-serviceprocess?

The employee is deemed ineligible and may request to take the exam I interview during the following year's annual opportunity.

11. Are there any changes to the way employees are ranked on In-service registers?

No, there are no changes.

12. If non-custodial In-service registers exist, how will employees be added in subsequent years?

Merged in score order.

13. If an employee on an In-service register declines to accept a position in the Maintenance Craft, is that employee's name removed from the In-service register?

No, the employee will be bypassed for that position.

14. When will In-service registers be purged?

Every year on April 1, beginning in calendar year 2023.

15. What must employees on In-service registers do to avoid the April purge and remain on In-service registers?

Employees must submit a written request by March 3JS1 to the District HR MSS Coordinator. The exception is ernployees on custodial In-service registers, which are not purged.

16. Is there a specific form that employees must use to submit their notification to management of their intent to avoid the April purge and remain on the In-service registers?

No, any written or emailed request to remain on the In-service registers will be accepted.


Thomas Elias, Contract Administration - APWU                        Idowu Balgun, Maintenance Division Director - APWU

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Promotion Eligibility Register , In-service registers , in-service exam

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