Step 4 Agreement: Use of PSEs in Level 4 RMPOs (2016-07-29)

The primary issue in this dispute is whether Level 6 Postal Support Employees (PSEs), that staff the Level4 RMPOs in accordance with the September 22, 2014 MOURe: POStPlan, Filling of Assignments, PSE Usage and Conversions, may be utilized outside of the APO installation and/or in Level 20 and above APOs.

Step 4 , PSEs in level 4 RMPO

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The parties met at Step 4 of the grievance/arbitration process to discuss the above referenced dispute. The primary issue in this dispute is whether Level 6 Postal Support Employees (PSEs), that staff the Level4 RMPOs in accordance with the September 22, 2014 MOURe: POStPlan, Filling of Assignments, PSE Usage and Conversions, may be utilized outside of the APO installation and/or in Level 20 and above APOs.

After further review and discussion, it is mutually agreed to resolve this dispute in accordance with the following understanding of the parties:

1. The parties agree and affmn that Level 6 PSEs that staff Level 4 RMPOs may not be utilized outside their APO installation (bid cluster), except as provided for in #3 below.

2. The parties further agree that those Level 6 PSEs hired into Level 4 RMPOs may not be utilized in Level 20 and above APOs. Those Level 20 and above APOs may continue to hire PSEs in Function 4 pursuant to Article 7 and the PSE MOU.

3. The parties agree that an exception to # 1 above is to provide supplemental assistance for Sunday package service, provided the following pecking order is utilized:

a. PTFs or PSEs assigned to the gaining office are first exhausted at the straight time rate

b. Available PTFs, under the MOURe: Assignment of PTF Hub Clerks, who volunteer to work on Sunday, are exhausted at the straight time rate.

c. Available PSEs, from Level4 RMPOs, but restricted to within 50 miles ofthe PSE's Level4 RMPO office. 

Accordingly, the parties agree that any case held pending this national dispute will be processed in with this agreement and local fact circumstances. 

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  Q10C-4Q-C 16035805/APWU-HQTC20151075

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Step 4 , PSEs in level 4 RMPO

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