USPS Position Letter: Article 12; Principles of Seniority, Posting and Reassignment (1980)

Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment , Best Qualified , retreat rights

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This decision shall replace the decision rendered on January 16, 1980, on the above-captioned case. During our initial discussion, we concluded that at issue in this grievance was whether an employee whose position has been abolished has retreat rights to a vacant best qualified position within that employee's Section. After reviewing the information provided, it is our position that the issue raised is not interpretive. It is management's belief that an employee who is awarded retreat rights as a senior qualified employee does not have automatic rights to a best qualified position, though certainly the employee may compete for a beat qualified position if he or she so desires. Thus, management believes no violation of the National Agreement has occurred, and this grievance is therefore denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  W8C5FC6584

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment , Best Qualified , retreat rights

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