This USPS Step 4 Decision outlines Management's position on the compensation requirements for a custodial employee who performed higher level driving duties. It was recognized that the provisions in Section 247.2 of Handbook M-52 do not, generally, contemplate the use of custodial employees to "shuttle" vehicles between points, whether on or off postal premises, and additionally, that the job description of a Custodial-Laborer also does not contemplate that employees so assigned will perform the higher level function of driving vehicles. Local management was instructed to review the assignments within the maintenance craft to assure that they were consistent with the spirit and intent of the National Agreement, including Article 7 on crossing craft lines, and other existing pertinent instructions.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  ACN8256, V768225

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , Higher Level Assignments , Employment and Work Assignments , Crossing occupational groups , driving , Handbook M-52 , section 247.2 , shuttle vehicles , shuttling vehicles between points

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