The question in this grievance is whether management violated Article XXV of the National Agreement by not compensating the grievant, a Level 3 Custodian, at a higher level for securing the building, locking the gates, and lowering the flag. It is the position of the Postal Service that the duties described do not justify higher level compensation but are within the scope of difficulty assigned to Level 3 Custodial positions.
Accordingly, we find no contractual violation and the grievance is denied. This document contains two Article 19 related issues; a Clerk Craft Step 4 Settlement Agreement on page 1 and a Maintenance Craft USPS Position Letter on page 2.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8T3AC11501, A8S2949

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Higher Level Assignments , Higher Level Pay , Custodian Lowering Flag , securing the building , locking the gates

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