More than 80 national organizations who have joined forces with the APWU to form A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service.


The public good must not be sacrificed for the sake of private investment and profit. A strong public Postal Service is our democratic right. Join us in the fight to protect and enhance vibrant public postal services now – and for many generations to come.

Value of Quality Public Postal Services

We are working on video projects & want to hear from you about how you use the United States Postal Service and what the people's Post Office means to you.

Click here to share your story!

Danny Glover: Our Postal Service

In this superb two-minute video, actor- activist Danny Glover champions the need for a vibrant public Postal Service and asks the public to join with him in A Grand Alliance to save it. See more and sign our pledge at www.agrandalliance.org

Know the Facts

The USPS provides affordable mail service to all — including rich and poor, rural and urban, without regard to age, nationality, race or gender.

The public post office, established by the Constitution, is a democratic right of the population and has helped bind the people of this country together since 1775. Today, it is a major force in the e-commerce revolution.

Now, the White House Office of Management and Budget wants to sell our public Postal Service to private corporations.

Click here to learn more. 


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Election 2024: Your Ballot's in the Mail

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In November, the Postal Board of Governors announced that future public engagement sessions with the Postal Service,...

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