All It Takes Is a Few Clicks

February 13, 2012

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If you haven’t done so already, now is definitely the time to contact your senators and representatives and let them know where you stand on critical legislation affecting APWU members, said President Cliff Guffey.

“We encourage union members to call, write, and visit their legislators,” the union president said. “There is also an easy, online way to express your views.”

All it takes is a few clicks.

“This can’t wait,” said APWU Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid. “The House is expected to vote soon on a bill that would cut retirement benefits for postal and federal employees and increase the amount we must pay for them.” The retirement bill (H.R. 3813) has been merged with a Highway Transportation bill (H.R. 7).

“The Senate is expected to vote in the next few weeks on a bill (S. 1789) that would inflict severe, long-term damage on the Postal Service, and lead to the closure of hundreds of mail processing centers and thousands of post offices,” Reid said. The APWU is asking lawmakers to support amendments to the bill.

The House could vote at any time on H.R. 2309, Reid added, a bill sponsored by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) that would “destroy the Postal Service as we know it.” To send an online message to your senators and representative, visit the APWU Legislative Action Center at A sample message is posted for each of the three crucial bills. To send a message, click on the link “Support Amendments to S1789,” scroll down to “Compose Message,” complete your name and address, and click, “Send Message,” at the bottom of the page. Then go back and follow the same process for “Oppose HR7,” and “Oppose HR 2309.”

“Don't tell yourself that you don't have the time to do it,” Guffey said. “Our opponents are also weighing in on these bills, so it is crucial that we get our point across.”

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