APWU Convention Adopts Resolution to Remove Postmaster General DeJoy
September 16, 2022
APWU Convention Adopts Resolution to Remove Postmaster General DeJoy
The 26th biennial convention of the American Postal Workers Union was held August 15-18, 2022 in National Harbor, MD. The convention, the highest governing body of our union, discussed, debated and voted on many resolutions regarding collective bargaining demands, constitutional reforms, and political priorities for the union.
The following resolution was overwhelmingly passed by the convention.
A summary of this resolution has already been publicized in the Convention recaps on the APWU website and included in the September/October edition of the American Postal Worker magazine.
It is printed below in its entirety.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Should Resign or Be Removed
WHEREAS, new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s first months in office were marked by changes in policy that, in the name of “efficiency” delayed mail and undermined public confidence in the Postal Service, and
WHEREAS, these changes were halted by public outcry, congressional inquiries, and court orders, yet these same destructive changes could resume any time after the 2020 election ends, and
WHEREAS, proposed changes, such as cuts in retails hours and delaying mail to cut overtime, in the name of “efficiency” sound like the preliminary steps to privatization and the weakening of unions that the Trump White House has supported, and
WHEREAS, the postal service should be preserved as a public good and part of our basic infrastructure, with a Universal Service Obligation to serve everyone, which private companies would never want to have to do and,
WHEREAS, Postmaster General DeJoy has also been compromised by massive political donations just prior to his appointment, by allegations of campaign finance violations, and by charges of conflict of interest regarding ties to postal competitors, therefore be it
Resolved, that this body urges that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy either resign or be removed from office, to be replaced by a Postmaster General who is committed to support a strong, public postal service and who will defend it from attack rather than attacking it, and be it
Resolved, that APWU publicize the decision of this delegation within 30 days of the close of this convention.