APWU Establishes Fund For Colorado Shooting Victim

July 23, 2012

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The shooting at an Aurora, CO, movie theater on July 20 has left many union members wondering how they can help. Alex Sullivan, the 27-year old son of APWU member Tom Sullivan, was slain in the rampage.

“The APWU is encouraging our members and  local and state organizations to make donations to the Colorado Organization for Victims Assistance, which is equipped to provide assistance to individuals affected by a crime of this magnitude,” said Human Relations Director Sue Carney.

“For those  who want to reach out to the Sullivan family on a more personal level, please make contributions payable to the APWU Sullivan Fund,” she said. Donations and sympathy cards can be sent through Sept. 30, 2012, to the APWU Human Relations Department, 1300 L Street NW, Washington DC 20005.

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