APWU Launches Next Phase Of Television Ad Campaign

March 13, 2012

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The APWU is launching the next phase of its television ad campaign, with spots to begin airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News on Wednesday March 14, President Cliff Guffey has announced.  The ads also will appear in a limited run on NBC Nightly News. Click here to see where and when to view the ads.

In the new ads, postal workers and customers talk about the importance of the Postal Service to our nation — and the devastating effect closing post offices and consolidating mail processing plants would have on our communities and our economy. The ads are slated to run through mid May.

The latest phase of the union’s public outreach campaign takes place at a critical juncture: A moratorium on closings and consolidations is set to expire on May 15. The moratorium is intended to give Congress a chance to act on legislation to resolve the USPS financial crisis — without imposing drastic cuts in service and jobs.

The ads underscore the union’s message: “America depends on the Postal Service,” said Guffey.

“From medicines, to checks and bills, the Postal Service is the backbone of a $1 trillion mailing industry that operates without one dime of taxpayer funds.  It is funded by the sale of stamps and postage.

“But in 2006, Congress imposed a burden on the Postal Service that no other company or government agency faces, and it is driving the Postal Service toward insolvency,” the union president added. “Congress talks about job growth, but unless they take action, 100,000 jobs will be lost.” The Postal Enhancement and Accountability Act drains more than $5 billion a year from the USPS by forcing the agency to fully pre-fund healthcare benefits for future retirees — a burden faced by no other government agency or private business.

“Congress created this problem and Congress can fix it,” Guffey said.

“The ads are intended to build public awareness and support for congressional efforts to resolve the Postal Service’s financial crisis without cutting pay, reducing benefits, eliminating collective bargaining rights, or slashing service,” he said. Union members should continue to urge their Senators to support amendments to the 21st Century Postal Service Act (S. 1789), which is expected to come up for a vote in the Senate soon.

The APWU supports amendments that would maintain current service standards, halt the elimination of tens of thousands of jobs, and stop drastic reductions in service to the American people.

Support Amendments to S. 1789

The APWU is encouraging members to continue to contact their Senators to support amendments to the 21st Century Postal Service Act (S. 1789), which could be voted upon in the Senate soon.

The APWU supports amendments that would maintain current service standards, halt the elimination of tens of thousands of jobs, and stop drastic reductions in service to the American people.

Members can call their Senators at the Capitol Hill Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Tell them you oppose S. 1789 as it is currently written.

Members can also send an e-mail message to their Senators by visiting www.capwiz.com/apw and clicking on “Support Amendments to S. 1789.

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