APWU Members March For Good Jobs, Change in America
October 4, 2010
APWU members, officers, and staff convened in the nation’s capital on Saturday, Oct. 2 for the One Nation March, a demonstration to strengthen the fight for good jobs and economic justice. The union joined other labor organizations and thousands of activists to help “Put America Back to Work and Pull America Back Together.” APWU members from across the country participated in the event — locals from Virginia, Texas, Kansas, Florida, Kentucky, Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia and Massachusetts were represented.

The APWU and the AFL-CIO are part of the One Nation Coalition, which is made up of more than 150 national, local, and state organizations dedicated to reform in America by “refocusing the nation’s priorities and investing in all our people.”
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka addressed the diverse crowd of nearly 200,000 working people, stressing the importance of committing to change in America.
“We come together today because America needs good jobs,” Trumka said. “Jobs that support families — all families. Jobs that give our young people paths of opportunity, not obstacles. Jobs that allow people to retire with dignity.”
In addition to the main rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial, smaller One Nation demonstrations took place across the city to mobilize working families and commit to change for a nation severely crippled by the economic crisis.