APWU Members Take a Tax Day Stand against Privatization
April 18, 2019
On April 15, Tax Day, thousands of APWU members and allies took to the street to spread the news that the US Mail Runs on Zero Tax Dollars!
At more than 100 locations from Hawaii to New England, activists fighting for the public good passed out flyers and spoke to citizens about the vital, public good the USPS provides, all without a dollar of taxpayer money.
Recently, privatizers – those who want to sell the public Postal Service to private corporations, have been empowered by the White House, whose June Office of Management and Budget (OMB) report called for the total privatization of the USPS.
APWU has news for them: The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale! Together, we are Standing Up and Fighting Back.
To get involved visit: usmailnotforsale.com. Click here to see more Tax Day pictures.
Tax Day Actions



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