APWU National Executive Board to USPS Board of Governors - 'Not So Fast!'
June 19, 2019
APWU sets in motion countermeasures to check managements’ cut and slash “business plan” with a plan to defend postal workers and customers.
The Postmaster General’s (PMG) 10-year “business plan” was leaked to the press on Tuesday, June 18. It is clear management wants the burden of balancing their books on the backs of postal workers and the public.
The PMG and the Postal Board of Governors want to impose $18 billion of cuts to workers’ rights and benefits by slashing postal workers’ sick and vacation leave, as well as raising current workers retirement contributions, eliminating federal retirement benefits for future workers, and subcontracting more postal jobs to the private sector. Their plan includes significant service cuts to the American public.
The APWU National Executive Board met on Wednesday, June 19, and voted to mobilize and advance the union’s strategic plan and develop bold counter-measures for a robust future of the Postal Service.
“Instead of improving and expanding service, management’s plan undermines the needs of our communities and guts the benefits of the employees who service postal patrons,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “It’s outrageous.”
The union is mobilizing resources, officers and staff to provide a plan to postal workers, the American public and Congress. This plan will help create a robust Postal Service able to meet the needs of our communities, and protect postal workers’ employment and retirement rights.
The APWU stands ready to ensure that vital services and job security are not sacrificed, even by our so-called management.