APWU Tells the PMG

We Are Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow!

June 8, 2018

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APWU members are turning out and showing up for the Tell the PMG Video Challenge. Members from Baltimore to Dallas to Salt Lake City have already submitted videos explaining the importance of the work they do, that they deserve a fair contract, and they will fight not only for themselves but future workers!


“Our political climate is in a downturn. Union busting is going on. We are losing good middle-class jobs and it’s very important for us to stay together to get a strong union and a strong contract to preserve what we have…So if there’s anything we can and should do to strengthen our union, to strengthen our position in the workforce, we need to do that for the members behind us, not just ourselves but the members behind us!” - William Truxon, Baltimore Francis Stu Filbey Area Local, 20-year USPS employee.

Passion Walker was recently converted to full-time position after years of working as a PSE. She explained that she is standing up and fighting back so no one else has to go through what she went through.


“I was a PSE for over three years. I worked unstable schedules, low income and could barely provide for me and my daughter and it was a horrible, horrible time for me…Horrible harsh conditions and I don’t want to see any of my peers go through what I went through for the length of time that I went through it.  We have to get together! We have to join as one and we have to fight for our union!” - Passion Walker, Birmingham Area Local

Want your voice to be heard? Tell your story on video and the APWU bargaining team will carry your message on to the negotiation table. Click here to fill out the submission form and upload your video. All submitters will be sent a free  2018 Contract Campaign t-shirt!


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