Ballot Corrections

September 17, 2013

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The APWU National Election Committee has announced plans to address errors in ballots mailed to some APWU members.

Ballots mailed to members of the APWU Retirees Department who pay $36 per year in dues inadvertently listed two races they are not eligible to vote for — Industrial Relations Director and Organization Director.

“The American Arbitration Association computers are being programmed so that they will not tabulate votes cast in those races by the retirees who are not eligible to vote in those two contests,” said APWU National Election Committee Chairman Tony Turner.

“The ballots are coded to identify voters by various categories — Clerk Craft, Maintenance Craft, Motor Vehicle Service Craft, Retiree, etc.,” he said, “so the incorrect ballots can be identified while still maintaining the sanctity of the secret ballot.”

“We regret the error,” he said.

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