Breakfast for Champions
August 8, 2011
Supporting the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team is the latest endeavor for the APWU.
APWU locals and state organizations are being called upon to host a breakfast and rally our members to cheer for this remarkable team of champions when they come to your area to play ball.
We first learned of the team from a news report about the Wounded Warriors, who had handily defeated an FBI team by a football-like margin of 35-10.
The game was impressive. These guys aren’t just good ball players, they are inspiring. Watching them field, bat, and run with only one arm or with two artificial legs, you can’t help feeling consumed with pride.
The team is comprised of young, competitive, athletic veterans and active-duty soldiers and Marines who have lost limbs while serving our nation. They haven’t let their injuries stop them from being productive and enjoying life. Some are still in the service; others are attending college, thanks to the Post-9/11 GI Bill, while others have moved on to new careers. Their mission is to raise awareness of the sacrifices and resilience of our military, and to highlight the human ability to rise above any challenge. They are determined to show other amputees and the general population that life without a limb is limitless.

When APWU contacted the team’s general manager to discuss supporting their mission, we learned the players would definitely appreciate having a cheering section of postal workers at their games. We also learned their hectic game schedules often require the team to grab a quick bite for lunch and dinner — so they really enjoy having a big breakfast together when they get the chance. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen very often, because meals aren’t generally sponsored when the team is on the road. With that the Breakfast for Champions was born!
Since its inception in May 2011, APWU locals have seized the opportunity to be involved. Thus far, the team has joined representatives from the Louisville Local, Oklahoma City Area Local, Panama City Local, Champagne Area Local, and the Nation’s Capital-Southern Maryland Area Local for breakfast. Locals that coordinate the attendance of APWU spectators are sent anAPWU Supports Our Troops banner to ensure we are visible to the crowd and the media during the game. Costs for the breakfasts are minimal, and a day at a ballgame is fun. Not only does this event give us an opportunity to say “thank you,” our participation at the ballpark offers union members, family and friends a chance to engage in a union activity they can relate to — something they might not do otherwise. Additionally, our involvement demonstrates to the public that unions aren’t self-serving entities; rather we are a vital part of every community. We hope you will join us in welcoming our troops when they arrive in a town near you.
The possibility of hosting an APWU vs. Wounded Warriors softball game is being explored for the 2012 National Convention. APWU members who are good ball players and likely delegates that are interested in playing should provide the Human Relations Department with your name, local, contact information, ball experience and position(s) played.
To learn more about APWU Breakfasts For Champions, contact the Human Relatioons Department at (202) 842-4271.
Visit the Wounded Warriors' Web site to learn more about these remarkable athletes.