Dispute: Unencumbered/Unassigned Regulars
This Step 4 dispute protests management plans to designate Part-Time Flexibles and Part-Time Regulars as unencumbered or unassigned with non-traditional schedules when they are converted to regular on Aug. 27. A provision of the 2010-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement requires the Postal Service to convert to full time all PTFs in Level 21-and-above offices and PTRs in the Clerk Craft and MVS Craft on Aug. 27.
The Memorandum of Understanding on Non-Traditional Full-Time Assignments [PDF] contained in 2010-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines the rules for the creation and posting NTFT duty assignments when operationally necessary. It does not provide for unencumbered or unassigned NTFT schedules.