e-Team Report, Jan. 20, 2012

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Senator Labels Financial Condition Of Postal Service as “Dire”

This week, in an op-ed printed in the New Hampshire newspaper Foster’s Daily Democrat, Senator Collins (R-ME) described the financial situation of the Postal Service as “dire.” The Senator went on to state that “if nothing is done, the Postal Service will not be able to make payroll” this summer. To read more, click here.

Rights of Postal Workers on Their Own Time

Many APWU members have questions about what they can and cannot do in regards to participating in activities that oppose the closure of postal facilities. This week, an APWU article answers those questions and describes exactly what type of participation is allowed by employees of the Postal Service.

Justice Department – Recess Appointments to NLRB Deemed Legal

This week, the Justice Department made clear that President Obama’s recent recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were in fact done legally. The NLRB is responsible for resolving workplace disputes and handles other federal labor issues. These appointments will make sure that there is still a quorum in place to ensure the rights of workers and address important labor problems that come in front of the NLRB.

To read more about the Justice Department’s recent legal opinion, please click here.

The Future of Healthcare and the 2012 Election

A recent report released by the New England Journal of Medicine makes clear the importance the 2012 election will have on the future of healthcare in this country. To read several scenarios that could take place this election, thereby changing the future of both medicine and healthcare for decades to come, click here.

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