Feeling the Bern!

January 1, 2016

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Sen. Bernie Sanders discusses postal banking on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

(This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)

During the two years I have served as APWU president I have made many decisions – some were straightforward and some were complex. My Executive Board vote to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders for President was a straightforward one.

When we judge candidates by what they do – not by what they say and not by their labels – Bernie Sanders stands head and shoulders above any other current candidate.

He is a proven champion of postal workers and the public Postal Service. He has helped lead efforts to keep neighborhood post offices and mail processing facilities open, and to restore overnight delivery standards. In the Senate, he has worked tirelessly for legislation to fix the congressionally-manufactured pre-funding debacle that is choking the USPS financially, and he is blocking terrible nominees to the Postal Board of Governors. He opposes privatization and advocates the expansion of postal services, including postal banking.

Beyond postal issues, Bernie Sanders is right on the money on a host of questions that are important to working people – from raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, to providing free tuition for public higher education, establishing “Medicare for All” as a public option for health care, and implementing a massive program to rebuild America’s infrastructure.

He has fiercely opposed devastating “fast-track” trade deals and the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) that enrich multi-national corporations at the expense of workers. He is a staunch supporter of Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ rights and the “public good.”

He believes big corporate money is poisoning the political process. He has no Super PAC and refuses contributions from Wall Street. And let’s face it, when you take money from Wall Street, you owe them.

It is easy to “talk the talk,” especially at election time. Bernie Sanders has “walked the walk” for many decades. Although I don’t agree with all his positions – most notably relating to militaristic foreign policy – his record and message are largely in line with the core principles of the APWU as embodied in our constitution and votes at our national conventions.

Before the endorsement vote, the National Executive Board met with the labor representatives of both the Sanders and Clinton campaigns. Before casting my vote, I also considered the endorsement of Sanders by the APWU National Presidents’ Conference and several locals. In addition, I evaluated the input I received from union members around the country – and I thank all of you who responded to my request for feedback. I also witnessed the electric response to Sanders’ address to the 2,000 participants in the All-Craft Conference in October.

It is not surprising in this period of extreme income inequality that Sanders’ message proclaiming “enough is enough” of billionaire-class rule has generated so much excitement, gigantic crowds, and poll numbers that show he is a real contender in a number of primary states and beats other leading candidates in head-to-head national races.

If elected, Bernie Sanders could be the most pro-worker president in our history – although he is the first to point out that without a powerful movement, a “political revolution,” one individual cannot successfully challenge the corporate powers that exert extensive control over almost every aspect of our lives.

I fully respect that our members reflect a wide spectrum of political beliefs and that not everyone will agree with this decision. But you elect the Executive Board to lead. Of course, how you relate to the various candidates is something you will decide for yourselves, as it should be.

I encourage all our members to check out the Bernie2016 website, attend campaign events, volunteer, sign up for LaborForBernie, spread the word, and help elect Bernie Sanders president.

Sanders has a path to election victory. Along the way, the campaign can help build our movement by mobilizing people in the fight for economic and social justice. I, for one, am tired of the choice between the corporate-sponsored “lesser of two evils” major political parties. And I believe the motion around the Sanders campaign presents an opportunity to create the kind of independent political movement we need – where workers are not taken for granted by politicians, where elections are not bought and sold, and where our representatives are truly accountable to the people.

The Bernie2016 website sums up the campaign: “We’re building a movement with millions of Americans to take on a corrupt political system that holds in place a rigged economy.” And that’s what we need!

Stand Up for Safe Jobs 

The “Stand Up for Safe Jobs” campaign is well underway. The first three flyers of the nationally-coordinated campaign are reprinted in this magazine. (See pages 21-24.) They are also available at www.apwu.org, and have been distributed at work sites across the country.

Our workplaces are getting more dangerous. More than 36,000 postal workers suffered injuries in 2014, and some tragically lost their lives.

The right to a safe and healthy work place is a human right.

Some people believe that a strong safety campaign can be best established at the top, from APWU headquarters. Nothing could be further from the truth. National officers can provide leadership, education and coordination. But a strong safety campaign must be created at the grassroots level. It should be “bottom up,” not “top down.”

National union representatives cannot see whether emergency exits are blocked in your facility, if aisles are cluttered, how many folks are running a machine or if the rolling stock is working properly. We don’t know if the restrooms are in good working order or if workers are getting their rest breaks and lunch breaks on schedule. We don’t know if management in your area is holding regular safety talks or if Form 1767s are readily available for workers to report safety hazards. We can’t tell if workers are being exposed to hazards.

But you know all of this and much more. You are the best defenders of your right to a safe workplace. And you have the power to make change!

Stand up and fight back! Unite with your co-workers and join the nationwide campaign for safe postal jobs. Spread the word and get involved!

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