Get the Facts, Spread the Word

April 28, 2010

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The APWU has produced material to help union members spread the word about how the Postal Service’s plan to end Saturday mail delivery would harm American citizens and businesses — and jeopardize the USPS itself.

The union has prepared a flyer to help locals alert the public about the dangers of ending Saturday mail delivery. A four-page fact sheet that sets the record straight about the Postal Service’s financial predicament — and how to fix it — is appropriate for distribution to elected officials and news outlets.

The union also has prepared a sample letter to the editor, which APWU members can adapt to help ensure that our message is heard in the media, and a sample letter to U.S. Representatives and to U.S. Senators.

“Ending Saturday mail delivery would lead to the demise of the Postal Service,” said APWU President William Burrus. “We hope this material will be a valuable resource for union activists in their efforts to inform citizens and community leaders about the consequences.”

Local officers who wish to conduct informational picketing or other activities can request printed copies of these materials by contacting Sally Davidow, APWU Communications Department senior manager, at


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