Hatch Act Warning
Information on this page involves partisan election-related activity and it should not be downloaded, posted or sent to others using U.S. Postal Service equipment, nor should it be read, downloaded, posted or sent to others while on the clock or while on USPS property. In accordance with the Hatch Act, postal and federal employees are restricted from engaging in partisan political activity while on the clock or on postal or federal property.
The APWU is challenging the restrictions on postal workers’ use of social media for political activity, but employees should adhere to these guidelines in the meantime.
Help Get Out the Vote!
October 5, 2016
Working people win when we turn out to vote in large numbers. The Nov. 8 election will not only determine the next president, it will determine the makeup of Congress, as well as state and local offices. In many places, the election will decide the outcome of ballot questions that directly affect the labor movement, such as minimum wage laws and anti-union “right-to–work” laws.
Please help get out the vote. You can volunteer in a variety of ways:
- Canvassing
- Phone Banking
- Assisting with Mailings
- Get Out the Vote
Click here for more news on the 2016 Election.
You can sign up to volunteer by visiting workingamericavotes.org. Scroll down and click on “Volunteer.”
You can also register to vote or look up the voting laws in each state. If you have family, friends or neighbors who have questions, need to register, or request an absentee ballot, we encourage you to direct them to this valuable resource.
Information on this page should not be downloaded, posted or sent to others using U.S. Postal Service equipment, nor should it be read, downloaded, posted or sent to others while on the clock or while on USPS property because it involves partisan election-related activity. In accordance with the Hatch Act, postal and federal employees are restricted from engaging in partisan political activity while on the clock or on postal or federal property.
The APWU is challenging the restrictions on postal workers’ use of social media for political activity, but employees should adhere to these guidelines in the meantime.