Industrial Relations Department Releases Informational Booklet to Help Postal Workers Stop Harassment at Work

November 12, 2021

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(This article first appeared in the November/December issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)

The APWU Industrial Relations Department recently mailed an educational booklet to local offices and members-at-large, to educate and assist members working to improve their workplace environments and address harassment on the job.

The booklet titled “Improving Your Workplace Environment,” is offered to help arm you with your contractual and other rights in regards to harassment and hostile workplaces. It contains vital information including examples of abusive conduct, your rights in the workplace, actions you can take, and a variety of resources available to help you when experiencing abuse or harassment.

“Every worker has the right to a work environment free of harassment, hostility, and discrimination,” write President Mark Dimondstein and Director Vance Zimmerman in the booklets’ introduction. “For too long, postal management has gotten away with allowing hostile work environments, often covering up for managers and failing to protect postal workers on the job.”

The work is a product of a collaborative effort with the APWU Industrial Relations Department and the Workplace Environment Committee, a national committee made up of appointed local, state, and national officers. The committee was established in July 2019 to help address concerns over hostile work environments. The APWU thanks the committee members for their important work. You can download the booklet by going to or contact your local for a printed version.

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