APWU Members Paint a Stark Picture of Toxic Workplaces
September 20, 2023
An APWU workplace survey of more than ten thousand APWU members has painted a stark picture of hostile work environments, low morale, and understaffing, overseen by poorly trained, ineffective, and disrespectful managers.
The survey was launched in March 2023, and an incredible 10,375 workers responded. Almost 78 percent of surveyed members said that they have witnessed or experienced a toxic work environment in the past two years. Sixty-two percent of responders gave poor ratings for workplace morale, while only 18 percent rated morale positively.
“This survey shows just how deep the problem is,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “Across the country, managers are disrespecting workers and creating a toxic work environment. For the good of our members, and for the good of our public Postal Service, this has to stop, and we are determined to make it stop.”
Warnings about a a hostile climate at the Postal Service are not new. The Kappel Report, which contributed to the 1970 Postal Reorganization Act, observed that an authoritarian style of supervision had become the rule in the Post Office. In the years since, warnings from the General Accountability Office, university studies, and postal unions have gone unheeded.
On April 28, Workers Memorial Day, members across the country rallied, organized and wore stickers to draw attention to the problems. See page 11 on how members in Long Island took action against a physically abusive manager. ■
Postal workers rate their workplace envornment and morale very poorly
On a scale of 1 through 5, how do you rate your workplace environment (one being most unsatisfactory, five being the most satisfactory)?

On a scale of 1 through 5, how would you rate worker morale in your workplace (one being very poor, give being very good)?
Toxic workplace environments affect large majorities of postal workers
Do any of the following affect morale in your workplace?
Have you personally experienced or witnessed a toxic work environment in the last two years?
Poorly trained managers are hurting morale in understaffed workplaces
In your opinion, is your workplace properly staffed?

Total: 10,184
Percentage (%) that answered the question: 98.1%
Blanks: 193/1.9%
Total Surveys Recieved: 10,377
Management in my facility has been properly trained to carry out their duties:
Total: 10,221
Percentage (%) that answered the question: 98.5%
Blanks: 156/1.5%
Total Surveys Recieved: 10,377
Management in my facility are fair and effective supervisors of the workforce:

Total: 10,184
Percentage (%) that answered the question: 98.1%
Blanks: 193/1.9%
Total Surveys Recieved: 10,377
Management treats employees with dignity and respect:

Total: 10,180
Percentage (%) that answered the question: 98.1%
Blanks: 197/1.9%
Total Surveys Recieved: 10,377