Mike Gallagher Addresses 'March for Bernie'

February 28, 2016

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Mike Gallagher at the Pittsburgh March for Bernie on Feb. 27.

Eastern Region Coordinator Mike Gallagher spoke to a huge crowd at a "March for Bernie" rally in Pittsburgh on Feb. 27. Members of the Pittsburgh Metro Area Local attended.

"Pennsylvania’s primary is still two months away," the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported, "but at least 750 supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders didn’t wait for a visit from their candidate to hold a march and rally on his behalf Saturday."

"It was a great crowd mostly made up of young people and the atmosphere was up-tempo and electric," Gallagher said.

At the rally, Gallagher spoke about "how Bernie has been our best advocate and supportive on every issue" of concern to postal workers – post office closures,  the Postal Service's privatization deal with Staples, lower service standards, postal banking, and workers' struggle to get a good contract. Gallagher also discussed the Vermont senator's support for Social Security and Medicare, and his fight against income inequality, free trade agreements that are bad for workers.

Sanders supporters marched through downtown Pittsburgh.



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