Motor Vehicle Service and Retirees' General Sessions take place on Tuesday at All-Craft Conference
October 29, 2019
On Tuesday, October 29, the All-Craft Conference continued into its third day. Motor Vehicle Service Craft and Retirees both held their General Sessions.
“You have got to FIGHT for your work.”
During the MVS General Session, Director Michael O. Foster and Assistant Director Javier E. Piñeres gave detailed reports on current Step 4 grievances, as well as, National settlements and recent meetings with USPS Management. Additionally, they took time to honor former MVS Director Bob Pritchard, who recently passed, and longtime Boston Metro Area Local MVS Craft Director William “Bill” Weaver, who will be retiring after an illustrious 20-year career.
“I think we’ve had a very successful conference. The craft directors, stewards and members are showing a lot of interest,” said Director Foster, “we are letting them know the critical juncture we’re in with the demands that the Postal Service wants to get from the Motor Vehicle Craft, and PVS specifically, as far as interest arbitration.”
During his address Director Foster emphasized the vital importance of safeguarding MVS work. “You have got to FIGHT for your work!” In fact, right before the ACC, the MVS Division was successful in fighting back against the USPS’ attempts to shift bargaining unit work to supervisors. Just days prior Director Foster signed a national settlement protecting the duties of the Schedule Examiner position after the USPS began shifting the work to the supervisors and EAS employees.
Retirees are mobilizing for 2020
The Retirees Conference also met today for its General Session.
Delegates heard from Rich Fiesta, the Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans. With so much at stake for retirees and working men and women, Fiesta highlighted the importance of mobilizing now for the 2020 elections. Retirement benefits and pensions are especially at risk.
Legislative & Political Director Judy Beard spoke on our legislative priorities, including the fight for fairer prescription prices and to protect Social Security.
President Dimondstein addressed the importance of the fight against postal privatization and thanked retirees for the activism.
Delegates were honored to witness the awarding of a charter to the APWU’s newest retiree chapter, the Portland Area “City of Roses” Retirees Chapter.
In the afternoon, delegates heard from Will Attig of the Union Veterans Council, before closing with very important deliberations over the 2020 National Convention and resolutions impacting retiree members.
“We are very excited for this year’s theme of officers, retirees and members working together,” said Retiree Director Nancy Olumekor. “We have had a very good day; we have discussed issues that are important to retirees, as well as working members, and we will return home to our chapters ready to rejoin the fight.”
Photo Highlights From Monday's Conference

The Portland Area "City of Roses" Retirees Chapter receives its charter

The Retirees General Session

The Retirees General Session

Retirees Director, Nancy Olumekor

MVS General Session

MVS General Session

MVS General Session

Honoring Boston Metro Area Local MVS Craft Director William “Bill” Weaver

MVS Director, Michael Foster

The Portland Area "City of Roses" Retirees Chapter receives its charter

The Retirees General Session

The Retirees General Session

Retirees Director, Nancy Olumekor

MVS General Session

MVS General Session

MVS General Session

Honoring Boston Metro Area Local MVS Craft Director William “Bill” Weaver