Questions and Answers, Staffing Tool

July 6, 2011

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The APWU has posted a series of Questions and Answers regarding the recently-negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement, Industrial Relations Director Mike Morris announced July 6.

“We have been meeting with our counterparts at the Postal Service to resolve a number of issues that have caused confusion in the field,” he said. “We have agreement on 65 items and are continuing discussions on the remaining items.

“We also have posted the APWU position on the outstanding questions while we continue our conversations with management.

“We expect to reach agreement on many of the remaining items and will issue another Questions-and-Answers document at that time,” Morris said. “We decided to issue the APWU’s position in response to inquiries from union representatives in the field.

The Industrial Relations Department also has posted a map that shows staffing for Level 15-and-above post offices. “This tool will help locals monitor compliance with new contractual provisions,” Morris said.

To use the tool, click on the map, select the appropriate state, and scroll down until you find the office you are interested in.

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