Retiring APWU Members: Thank You! Farewell!

January 31, 2013

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APWU member Annette Bechtol celebrates her retirement a 37 years of postal service.As approximately 20,000 APWU members say bittersweet goodbyes to their co-workers and hit the clock for the last time today, we say, “Thank you! Farewell!”

We wish you all the best as you begin a new chapter of your life. Thank you for your years of dedicated service to the American people and for the contributions you made to the APWU.

There are many battles left to fight — to protect the institution we have dedicated so much of our lives to; to secure our health insurance and retirement benefits, and to strengthen our nation’s middle class.

To win these battles, we need your help! So please join the APWU Retirees Department today! It’s a great way to stay in touch and stay Ron Fujii (left) receives a Retirement Commendation from APWU San Jose Area Local president Ed Peralta. The 42-year postal veteran is now a member of the union's Retiree Department.informed. For more information, call 1-877-279-8669; send an email message to, or visit


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