Save the Postal Service!

May 6, 2013

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The APWU is asking union members and supporters to sign an online petition urging the White House to Save the Postal Service and Save American Jobs by supporting the Postal Service Protection Act (H.R. 630 in the House and S. 316 in the Senate).

The We the People petition must garner 100,000 signers by May 24 to generate a response from the White House. We still need more than 80,000 additional signatures!

“So sign the petition!” said Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid. To sign, click here. (To sign , you will need to establish a We the Peopleaccount, which is a quick and easy process.)

“Please post a link to the petition on your Facebook page and share it on any social media you participate in,” Reid said.

“Stalled legislation must be re-introduced — and win support — in each new session of Congress,” Reid explained. “So even if you’ve written to your representative and senators before, please sign the petition and contact your members of Congress again now.”

The petition advocates re-establishing overnight delivery standards to ensure the timely delivery of mail and to prevent the closure of mail processing plants; opposes the move to five-day delivery, and proposes allowing the USPS to generate more revenue by offering new products and services.

Timing Is Critical

“The timing is critical,” said President Cliff Guffey, “because the USPS is reneging on its commitment to lawmakers, customers and postal workers by closing more than

70 mail processing centers this year that were originally scheduled for possible closure in 2014.”

The APWU has called on the Postal Service to postpone any consolidations until Congress acts, and has called on lawmakers to move quickly to prevent the USPS from implementing the devastating cuts in service the closures would cause.

What You Can Do:

  • Sign the petition urging the White House to Save the Postal Service and Save American Jobs by supporting the Postal Service Protection Act. We’ve got less than three weeks to get 100,000 signatures!
  • Contact your U.S. Representative and Senators and ask them to co-sponsor the legislation.
  • Contact community organizations, postal customers and local businesses. Ask them to support efforts to strengthen the USPS. (The union has produced a flyer for distribution to the public.)
  • Let the local media know how the Postal Service’s manufactured financial crisis is hurting customers and businesses in your community.
  • Organize informational rallies and pickets to spread the word in your community.

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