Send a Postcard to Staples CEO

July 9, 2014

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With momentum building for the ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ campaign, the APWU wants to make sure Staples CEO Ronald Sargent gets the message.

The union is asking supporters to sign a postcard addressed to Staples CEO Ronald L. Sargent, telling him that until his stores staff their postal counters with USPS employees, they will take their business elsewhere.

To participate, you can fill-out a hard-copy postcard or submit an electronic postcard instantly at Just follow the few simple step-by-step instructions to enter minimal information and your signature – we’ll take care of printing, postage and mailing it for you.

Signing the postcard is an important step in sending a big message to the privatizers: Mess with living-wage jobs and the peoples’ right to public postal services, and we will fight back – and we intend to win!

Do your part and help Stop Staples by asking your family, friends and co-workers to send a postcard today.

“The no-bid sweetheart deal between the USPS and Staples compromises the quality, security and reliability that consumers expect and deserve in the handling of their mail,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “And an internal USPS document makes clear that the goal of the program is to replace the good, living-wage jobs held by USPS employees with low-wage jobs in the private sector. We intend to Stop Staples, protect postal jobs, and protect high-quality service to postal customers,” he said.

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