The Senior Vote Matters

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(This article appeared in the September/October 2012 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine)

Judy Beard, Director Retirees Department

Sometimes our readers don’t want to learn the truth about a candidate. Some members ask why we write about politics, but sharing information with APWU retirees is part of my responsibility as your director. The quality of our lives is in the hands of our elected legislators.

APWU retirees are not so independently wealthy that we can afford to pay for healthcare costs out of our annuity checks alone, and we cannot afford to have our retirement benefits decreased. So vote wisely in 2012: Re-elect President Obama.

I guess some politicians think that because we are up in age, we will forget how they have voted on issues that important to seniors. Although we may forget some things, we will not forget the differing positions of the two major candidates for president on Medicare.

President Barack Obama has said:

“As long as I’m President of the United States, I will never allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher that would end the program as we know it. We will not go back to the days when our citizens spent their golden years at the mercy of private insurance companies. We will reform Medicare — not by shifting the cost of care to seniors, but by reducing the spending that isn’t making people healthier. That’s what’s at stake in this election. ”

Mitt Romney supports the budget plan written by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), which would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid and replace them with a voucher system that would dramatically curtail benefits. Speaking about the Ryan budget plan, which would lower per-person spending of Medicare by approximately 35 percent, Romney said, “I applaud it.” Romney’s budget proposals, including a cap on federal spending, lowering taxes, and boosting defense spending — all while balancing the budget — would require deep cuts in domestic spending on programs such as Medicare.

For more resources on senior issues, including fact sheets, tips for lobbying, and legislative updates, visit the Alliance for Retired Americans’ Web site at

“I believe all APWU members — clerk, maintenance, motor vehicle, and retirees — should get involved in two of the union’s activities to educate voters and make sure they vote the right way in November. Start by contacting your local APWU union or retiree chapter, and if they haven’t put you to work by September, contact the national office. Activities include door-knocking, phone banking, distributing literature, helping people get to the polls, and serving as poll watchers. It’s easy to find out the facts about each candidate — who’s for us, our children, education, seniors, jobs and the survival of the Post Office. I’ve already done my research on the presidential candidates and I support, hands-down, the re-election of President Obama because he is for all of the above. We can also start now making sure everyone is registered to vote and have proper ID. We want a good turnout in 2012.”

– Al LaBrecque,  Michigan State Retiree Chapter President

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