Tell Congress: Stop the Secret Trade Deal

September 14, 2016

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Convention delegates protest the TPP 

Today is the National Call-In Day to stop a vote on the TPP (the Trans-Pacific Partnership) in the “lame duck” session of Congress that follows the election.

Please ask your representative to take a stand against this disastrous trade deal, which was negotiated behind closed doors. In fact, the TPP has very little to do with trade between nations – It’s about increasing the power of multinational corporations to dictate our future, and taking away the rights of workers and others to advocate for a better quality of life. The TPP would kill jobs, weaken workers’ rights at home and abroad, and harm the environment.

Use this link or use this number: 1-855-856-7545. Calling your representative is quick and easy. And it REALLY makes a difference. (If no one answers, you can leave a message.)

We rallied against the TPP at our National Convention last month. Now you have an opportunity to take the message directly to Congress.

Together we can stop the TPP!

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