Terry Martinez Appointed Assistant Maintenance Craft Director

December 4, 2014

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Maintenance Craft National Business Agent Terry Martinez has been appointed to the vacant position of Assistant Director B in the Maintenance Craft, effective Jan. 5, Division Director Steve Raymer has announced.  The position became vacant due to the death of Greg See on Nov. 4. The Maintenance Council approved the appointment, in accordance with Article 21.(b) of the APWU Constitution.

Brother Martinez has been one of two Maintenance Craft NBAs in the Southern Region since November 2002. Prior to becoming an NBA, he served as an arbitration advocate and Maintenance Craft Director for the Dallas TX Area Local. Originally from Nebraska, Martinez will relocate to the Washington, DC, area with his wife, Vera, and 7-year-old daughter, Eliana.

“Terry brings a wealth of experience in successfully advocating Maintenance issues,” Raymer said. “Along with an exemplary work ethic, he has a positive demeanor and ‘can-do’ attitude that will be a great asset to us at headquarters.

“Martinez’s independent mind and approach to issues will fit right in as a valuable part of the HQ group. He will arrive just in time to help us continue our work improving the working lives of the Maintenance members, and will immediately get involved in the upcoming national negotiations.”

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