Union to Keep Unoccupied Officer Positions Vacant

April 1, 2013

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The National Executive Council has taken the first steps toward reducing the number of national union officers by voting to keep vacant four soon-to-be unoccupied positions.

At a meeting at the end of March, the council voted by a two-thirds majority to approve a recommendation by President Cliff Guffey to keep vacant the positions of Assistant Legislative and Political Director, which is being vacated by Tom Maier, and Pacific Area National Business Agent, which is being vacated by Nilda Chock.

A majority of Clerk Craft national officers approved a recommendation by Director Rob Strunk to keep vacant the positions of Assistant Director “A,” which is being vacated by Patricia A. Williams, and Cincinnati Region National Business Agent “A,” which is being vacated by Russ Bugary.

The council’s actions were authorized by delegates to the 2012 National Convention. Delegates approved an amendment to the APWU Constitution that allows national officers who are responsible for filling vacant positions to combine the duties of the unoccupied positions with those of other officers. The resolution was intended to reduce the number of national union officers by attrition, while maintaining quality representation for APWU members. Delegates to the 2014 National Convention will decide whether the positions should be restored or eliminated.

As a result of the council’s actions, elections will not be held for the vacant positions when voting for national union officers takes place later this year.

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