National Day of Action To Stop Staples Set for April 24
March 11, 2014
The APWU has announced a National Day of Action on April 24 to protest the sweetheart deal between the USPS and Staples that puts postal retail operations in Staples stores — and staffs them with low-wage, high-turnover Staples employees.
“We are asking APWU members and supporters to mark their calendars and hold April 24 for a National Day of Action to protest the privatization of postal retail services,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “This deal threatens the nation’s public Postal Service and thousands of postal jobs,” he said.
“We support the expansion of customer access to USPS services, but we insist that postal work must be performed by uniformed postal workers who have passed a background check, taken an oath of office, and are accountable to the people,” he added.
The union will organize protests outside Staples stores in cities across the country and invite customers and supporters to attend, he said. Workers and supporters who are unable to attend will be asked to engage in other activities, such as signing petitions and sending text messages. More details will follow.
“We’ve had large, sustained protests in California and Atlanta, and hundreds of locals delivered letters to Staples management objecting to the deal,” Dimondstein noted, “but we must keep up the pressure.”