Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close
July 19, 2024
Watch our recap from Day 4!
On the fourth and final day of the APWU’s 27th Biennial National Convention, delegates resumed voting on the remaining committees’ resolutions, beginning with resolutions referred to the National Executive Board (NEB). Delegates adopted a resolution allowing National Business Agents to provide input on the selection of arbitrators in their respective regions. In addition, issues about language justice, such as translating the APWU website, collective bargaining agreement, and Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM) into Spanish were brought forth and supported by the body.
Next, the Formal Resolutions Committee began their report. Here, delegates voted to call for a full ceasefire in Gaza, opposed Project 2025, and repealing so-call “right to work” legislation.
Resolutions were finalized with reports from the Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, and Support Services Division’s committees reporting to the body. Resolutions weren’t entirely passed “in toto,” allowing for lively debates on the floor and providing an example of the democratic process for first-time delegates.
The Organizing Committee gave their report, followed by the Safety and Health Committee. Delegates voted on issues related to extreme weather conditions and heat safety, an important topic in the face of climate change, and educating members on identifying and fighting back against harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Delegates Raise $25,000 in Donations to Amazon Workers, Organizing Efforts
Before the business on the floor began, APWU President Mark Dimondstein, the chair of the convention shared a recap video from the day before. One of the highlights was “passing the bucket’ to raise money for Amazon workers who took time off work to come to the convention. Delegates raised a little over $12,00, which was then matched by APWU. To show a little extra support, the APWU rounded up to make it an even $25,000 donation. The donations will be used to cover the wages the workers lost to come to the convention, and the remainder will be donated to their organizing efforts.
International solidarity was a throughline of the speakers at the 27th Biennial convention, and the final day was no different. Between committees, the convention body received fraternal greetings from Spanish trade union leader José Manuel “Pepe” Sayagués (Unión General del Trabajadores – UGT). Pepe travelled from his home outside of Madrid, even delaying a surgery, to be with his union family. Solidarity, Pepe!
Throughout the week, the Legislative & Political Department held a series of raffles sponsored by COPA (Committee on Political Action). Every day, a convention delegate was selected to win 100,000 American Express Points leading up to the grand prize of ‘Trip of A Lifetime’.
COPA & Organization Raffle
Throughout the week, the Legislative & Political Department held a series of raffles sponsored by COPA (Committee on Political Action). Entrants to the raffle must be COPA-matic. Every day, a convention delegate was selected to win 100,000 American Express Points leading up to the grand prize of ‘Trip of A Lifetime’. The winners of the 100,000 American Express Points were:
- Monday: LaNae Parkin, Pocatello Local
- Tuesday: Robin ‘Robbie’ Robertson, St. Louis Gateway Area Local
- Wednesday: Chiquita Lloyd, St. Charles MO Local #4853
On Thursday, the grand prize winner of the ‘Trip of a Lifetime; sweepstakes was Michael G. McDonald (Boston Metro Area Local). The COPA donation total for Thursday was $25,124.
The Organization Department also held raffles to incentivize participation through the years between conventions. Organizing Director Anna Smith awarded three $1,000 prizes in a random drawing for convention delegates who had taken part in the Building Union Power campaign.
Liz Powell Awards Keith Combs
As the session came to an end, Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell presented an award to Keith Combs (President, Detroit District Area Local) and his local for hosting the 27th Biennial Convention. It’s a large effort to pull together a national convention, but Combs handled it with dignity and care. Kudos to the Detroit District Area Local and Chairman Combs. It was a fantastic convention – great work delegates.