I'm a PSE. Why should I join APWU?
Unlike previous temporary USPS workers, PSEs have the right to join the APWU. Only by standing together with your coworkers can you ensure you earn a living wage, gain access to important benefits, and get a fair opportunity for a career job. We have been negotiating on your behalf and will continue to do so. But to do that, we need your help! By joining your co-workers in APWU you have a voice and a vote in your union. This will allow you to give input into benefits that are negotiated on your behalf and how your union is run. Don’t let someone else decide your future, be a part of the decision making!
Membership in the APWU gives you a voice in determining your future. Members have the right to participate in local meetings, vote for local and national officers, vote on the contract, to run for office and to petition for change in the APWU.
Other membership benefits include: "The American Postal Worker'; a bimonthly magazine reporting on issues and programs affecting you, a safety and health program that educates workers about possible hazards in the workplace and provides technical assistance, and members are eligible to enroll in the APWU Health Plan, which provides comprehensive coverage at a very reasonable cost. In addition to having a voice and a vote in your union, and all of the collective bargaining rights you rely on you will have the opportunity to participate in the following programs:
Scholarships - college and vocational - are awarded to qualified and outstanding APWU members and children of APWU members, APWU MasterCard, Voluntary Benefits Plan, Union Plus, Accident Benefit Association, and Aflac.
You can join APWU by completing form 1187, which you can find here.
Postal Support Employees (PSEs) are hired for a term not to exceed 360 calendar days per appointment. The PSE workforce is comprised of employees who don’t yet have career appointments but who enjoy union representation and negotiated rights. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), which is the union contract between the APWU and the USPS, covers all aspects of your appointment related to wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions.
Resources for Postal Support Employees

PSE MOUs & Agreements