USPS Handbooks and Manuals
This page contains many USPS handbooks in PDF format. While we make every effort to keep this page up to date, the Postal Service updates their handbooks and manuals constantly. Therefore, some of these may not be the most recent published edition. Always check the USPS Publication 223 - Directives and Forms Catalog to be sure you are looking at the latest edition.
In addition, there may have been changes published in the Postal Bulletin that have not yet been incorporated into a print edition. Always search the Postal Bulletins for the latest additions, deletions or corrections. Keep in mind that some changes may be under challenge by the union.
Some of these documents are very large and may take a long time to download, depending on your connection speed. It is recommend that you download them and open them on your local hard drive, rather than opening them on the web. To download, in Internet Explorer, right-click on the hyperlink and select "Save Target As..."
Please note that the hyperlinks inside the PDF versions of the F-21, F-45 and F-75 do not work online. If you need the hyperlinks to work, download the zipped (compressed) version instead and install it into a folder on your hard drive. Also, the hyperlinks in the AS-701, P-2 and the RE-6 work online only. If you need to download the AS-701, P-2 or the RE-6, you should download the zipped versions.










