
The parties acknowledge their commitment to insourcing the call center work with sufficient staffing In order to bring closure to the outsourced contract With the understanding that the terms of this memo have no effect on the parties dispute over the CCC jab levels and also with the understanding that this memo will not be cited by either party for any reason in that dispute, the parties agree to the following staffing provisions: Residual vacancies that have not beoo filled via the bidding process, reassignment (excessing), rehab status job offer, unassigned regular preferenclng or a-Reassign transfers will be filled temporarily for a period not to exceed six months from the date the first group of temporary staffing employees report for training at the CCC in Troy and LA, and 6 months from 1he data of opening at the Kilmer CCC, in the following order: 1. Rehab status and limited duty clerks by seniority within the installation 2. Rehab status and limited duty clerks by seniority within a 50 mile radius 3. Light duty clerks by seniority within the installation 4. Light duty clerks by seniority within a 50 mile radius

Customer Care Center

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The parties acknowledge their commitment to insourcing the call center work with
sufficient staffing In order to bring closure to the outsourced contract With the
understanding that the terms of this memo have no effect on the parties dispute over
the CCC jab levels and also with the understanding that this memo will not be cited by
either party for any reason in that dispute, the parties agree to the following staffing
Residual vacancies that have not beoo filled via the bidding process, reassignment
(excessing), rehab status job offer, unassigned regular preferenclng or a-Reassign
transfers will be filled temporarily for a period not to exceed six months from the date
the first group of temporary staffing employees report for training at the CCC in Troy
and LA, and 6 months from 1he data of opening at the Kilmer CCC, in the following
1. Rehab status and limited duty clerks by seniority within the installation
2. Rehab status and limited duty clerks by seniority within a 50 mile radius
3. Light duty clerks by seniority within the installation
4. Light duty clerks by seniority within a 50 mile radiusĀ 

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Customer Care Center

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