Interest Arbitration Next Session - APWU Rank and File Witness Panels
September 12, 2019
During the next session of interest arbitration (Sept. 24-26), postal workers from the workroom floor will serve as key witnesses in front of the arbitration panel.
“We always knew that interest arbitration was a possibility and have been preparing for it since negotiations began,” said President Dimondstein. “Now that it is upon us, in order to get the best contract possible, we are utilizing an outstanding team of economists, attorneys, and – most importantly – APWU members.”
The arbitration preparation process included hundreds of rank and file surveys and interviews, training local members to interview their fellow workers in their respective areas about the work they do and to identify potential witnesses. Those potential witnesses, who are APWU members right off the workroom floor, were then brought to APWU headquarters for meetings in preparation of testifying.
No matter the craft, it was clear: APWU members are working under stressful conditions. PTFs are getting shuttled between offices and their flexible schedules are being abused. PSEs are having to self-train or be trained by a fellow co-worker – if they are lucky to have one. All postal workers are working habitually understaffed.
In spite of this, every single day, APWU members come in and complete the postal mission, serving the public and ensuring that the USPS remains one of the most trusted government entities. These key expert testimonies will undoubtedly hold a lot of weight in the hearings.
The witnesses in the panels who will testify on September 24-26 will “put a human face on the cold numbers the Arbitrator looks at,” said President Dimondstein. “Their experiences carry a lot of weight in the hearings.”
“I want to thank our most important experts – the APWU members,” said Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman. “Every member that responded to a survey, participated in an interview about their job, participated in these meetings, and will testify is helping us be better prepared for interest arbitration.”