Official Local-by-Local Ratification Vote Totals

May 18, 2011

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Details of the APWU contract ratification vote are now available, including a local-by-local tally. The results [PDF] are shown alphabetically by state, with locals in each state listed alphabetically as well.

The local results were provided by the American Arbitration Association, which conducted the balloting under the supervision of a subcommittee of the Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee.

Ballots were mailed to 176,611 union members. In addition, ballots were sent to non-members who were invited to vote, provided they completed union sign-up cards that were enclosed in their ratification packets.

The tentative agreement was approved by more than 75 percent of those voting. The final tally was 69,451 to 22,351 in balloting that ended May 10.

More than 50 percent of APWU members participated in the voting. The participation rate represents a substantial increase over previous contracts, including the 2006-2010 contract, in which approximately 40 percent of eligible union members cast ballots.

In an effort to increase participation in the ratification process, APWU President Cliff Guffey announced that the national union would reward locals with the greatest participation of membership involvement. The top three locals in each of several categories will receive compensation to be used on behalf of the members. To be eligible, locals must have achieved a voter participation level of at least 50 percent.

Results of the rewards program will be posted at soon as they become available.

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