Headshot of APWU Support Services Director Arrion Brown 2022-2025

Arrion Brown

Director, Support Services Division

(202) 842-4202

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

The Support Services Division represents APWU bargaining unit members at Information Technology/ Accounting Service Centers, Operating Services facilities, Mail Equipment Shops and Material Distribution Centers, as well as professional nurses employed by the Postal Service.

The Division also includes APWU-represented workers who are employed in the private sector, including mail haul drivers and Mail Transport Equipment Service Center employees.

Arrion Brown News Articles

After a Successful Convention, the Support Services Division Continues Negotiations

“Your contract campaign actions, in concert with the negotiations, will show postal management that our union negotiators truly express the will of...

Contract Negotiations (Support Services)

The Support Services Division will participate in several different sets of contract negotiations throughout the summer and fall. Each round of...

National Dispute on Safety, and Management's Use of Freight Brokerages

Support Services Director Arrion Brown discusses the National Disputes on workplace safety, and addresses the controversial use of freight brokerages...

Tentative Agreements Reached!

Support Services Director Arrion Brown announces the tentative agreements reached for 10 Roads Express Des Moines/Kansas City drivers, and for the...