Campaign for Dignity and Respect: Stand up For Safe Jobs
Postal workers are essential workers who keep our mail moving. Whether it’s a birthday card or life-saving medications, we move millions of pieces of mail from one end of the country to another. Often unseen, we are proud of our work to bind the country together.
We deserve a job where we can show up, safely do our work, and clock out knowing that we’ve contributed to the postal mission. But a vicious cycle of short staffing and a toxic work culture hurts postal workers and our communities.
For far too long, the Postal Service’s leadership has failed to promote a healthy workplace environment.
The culture of bullying and toxicity from managers has created a hostile work environment that makes workers’ lives miserable, hurts everyone’s morale, and, too often, forces dedicated workers out of the service.
On Workers Memorial Day, postal workers across the country began a campaign to demand dignity, respect, and adequate staffing to get the job done.
The culture of bullying and toxicity from managers has created a hostile work environment that makes workers’ lives miserable, hurts everyone’s morale, and, too often, forces dedicated workers out of the service.
We are saying “Enough is enough!” and taking action together to demand Dignity and Respect from postal management. It’s time to end the short-staffing crisis, stop management’s toxic practices, and keep delivering a strong public Postal Service.
Campaign for Dignity and Respect
July 18, 2023
What is Supposed to Happen When Workplace Harassment is Reported?
With the many legitimate complaints against Postal Service management’s inappropriate treatment of employees and...
July 14, 2023
Long Island Postal Workers Organize Spirited Response to Attempted Assault by Manager
Members of the Long Island Area Local led a spirited protest on July 12 after management failed to take action against...
July 12, 2023
MELVILLE, Long Island (WABC) -- Dozens of postal workers protested on Long Island Wednesday against what they call a...
May 3, 2023
USPS sees ‘massive turnover’ in non-career workers as union protests short-staffing
The Postal Service says it’s getting operations on the right track after years of pandemic-related challenges. But the...
APWU Workers Memorial Day of Action Recap
On April 28, Workers Memorial Day, APWU members kicked off a nationwide campaign to demand dignity & respect in the workplace. Your local actions were shared across media outlets throughout the country. While we’ve made an impact, the struggle for justice continues; we still have a lot of work to do to hold postal management accountable to address short-staffing and hostile work environments. Be inspired to get involved:
Wear campaign stickers in support of our campaign to end toxic workplace environments and short staffing.
Take a minute to record a video sharing how ending hostile workplaces in USPS facilities can help you deliver better services.
Record a Video
Record a video!
Postal workers, like all workers, deserve a job where we can show up, safely do our work, and clock out knowing that we put in a good day’s work. But a vicious cycle of toxic work culture and short staffing is hurting postal workers and the communities we serve. We are speaking up together to demand dignity and respect from postal management so that we can end the short-staffing crisis, stop toxic management practices, and keep delivering a strong public Postal Service.
Will you speak up too? Take a minute to record a video sharing how ending hostile workplaces in USPS facilities can help you deliver better services.
Share a story to inspire your coworkers to speak up together against hostile work environments. Such as:
- a) Why postal workers deserve dignity and respect;
- b) A time you spoke up against workplace harassment; or
- c) Why postal workers need to speak up now to end toxic work environments.
Resources for the Campaign for Dignity and Respect
Check the resources below to download one of three sticker designs:
- APWU Postal Workers Deserve Dignity & Respect;
- Let's Stop Workplace Harassment APWU Speak Up Together;
- Stop Workplace Harassment
Resources for our campaign
Poster Designs




Digital Assets: Wallpapers, Toolkit & Virtual Backgrounds

Fact Sheets

Other Safety Resources

Photos from our April 28 Day of Action

See the full gallery of images from Workers Memorial Day on our Flickr account: