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Group A
Issues=PTF Scheduling

Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 8; Hours of Work (1983)

September 6, 1983

Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

Craft: Clerk

APWU National Grievance Number: H1C1JC3423

Hours of Work, PTF Scheduling, Out-of-Schedule

Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals (1987)

August 21, 1987

Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

Craft: Maintenance

APWU National Grievance Number: H4C34NC40994

Handbooks and Manuals, ELM, PTF Sick Leave, PTF Scheduling, maximum hours of sick leave, part-time flexible scheduling

USPS Position Letter: Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals (1984)

February 8, 1984

Document Type: USPS Position Letter

Craft: Maintenance

APWU National Grievance Number: H1C1KC20853

Handbooks and Manuals, ELM, PTF Scheduling, Employee and Labor Relations Manual, 512.321, 5 minutes after the hour, part-time flexible scheduling