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Group A

MS-1 Step-4 Settlement Remanded Items

February 27, 2018

Settlement agreement on the remanded portions of the MS-1 national arbitration decision issued by Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg in his September 2017 decision.

Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

Craft: Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Handbook MS-1 Revision, ms-1, ms1, preventative maintenance, PM frequencies

MS 1 Settlement and Implementation

August 8, 2019

• Maintenance work in stations and branches transitioning to Field Maintenance Operations (FMO) as a result of the MS-1/TL-6 will continue to be performed by employees currently performing those duties until adjustments occur resulting from...

Document Type: National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

Craft: All Craft, Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

APWU National Grievance Number: Q10T-4Q-C-14171644/

APWU Regional Grievance Number: Q10T-4Q-C-16481407

Handbook MS-1 Revision, ms-1, 2014 MOU Re: MS-47 TL-5 Implementation and Maintenance Craft PSE Conversions, Memorandum of Understanding Re: MS- 47 TL-5 Implementation and Maintenance Craft PSE Conversions