Interest Arbitration Award: MOU: Gershenfeld Award (2009)

1993 Gershenfeld Award , health units , OHN

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The central issues in this Interest Arbitration were:
• Should the MOU embodying the 1993 Gershenfeld Award preserving 51 health units be carried forward into the 2007 Agreement?
• lf not, what provision should be made for bargaining unit members displaced as a result of the closing of health units?
• What wages and benefits should be provided for in the 2007 Agreement?

Award Summary: Arbitrator Goldberg ruled that based upon the evidence and argument presented in this matter, the Panel awards the Agreement attached hereto as Appendix B; that the parties may need to make certain other conforming changes in the language of the Agreement, such as to revise references to "health unit" to reflect where OHNs will be working.

Document Type:  Interest Arbitration

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Tags: 1993 Gershenfeld Award , health units , OHN

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