MOU:  Article 8.3; Hours of Work (1971)

Hours of Work , Scheduling

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This document is a Clarification Letter for a previous Memorandum of "Interpretation". The interpretations on the language 'in Article VIII, Section 3 which states: "Section 3. Exceptions. The above shall not apply to part-time, road duty or rural carrier employees. A. Part-time employees will be scheduled in accordance with the above rules, except they may be scheduled for less than eight (8) hours per service day and less than forty (40) hours per normal work week. Both references to "part-time" should be read as part-time regulars. Section 3 merely states the rules for scheduling part-time regulars as section 1 does for full time regulars.

The above interpretation is the agreed upon position of both the USPS and APWU. It was resolved in an agreement titled "Memo of Interpretation" signed by APWU , NALC, Mail Handlers Division of LIUNA, and NRLC with the USPS Nov. 4, 1971.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Hours of Work , Scheduling

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